Our story

From inception within the Lufthansa Innovation Hub to global market aspirations

Born in the middle of the 2021 within the Lufthansa Innovation Hub, the idea for Modifly resulted in conversations between the newly founded Eurowings Discover. One problem seemed to be very prominent in the airline industry: significantly low take rates on indirect ancillary sales. The team quickly realized they have taken on an industry-wide problem and based on that built a solution that is able to serve all airlines. With a strong belief in the market gap and a desire for growth, Modifly is now spinning off as its own startup with the goal of scaling and revolutionizing the industry.

An Experienced Team is Currently Managing The Product

Steffen Boller

Product & Tech

Serial entrepreneur with a strong background in economics and web development

Dr. Stefan Nothelfer

Advisor & Strategy

Expert in innovation management with a strong background in digital technology and conceptual venture development.

Sebastian Feldmann

Finance & Operations

Serial entrepreneur with a strong background in venture development and early-stage financing.

Clemens Jakubeit

Strategy & Sales

Expert for sales and partnership with a strong background in the aviation industry and venture development.