A new digital sales channel for ancillaries

Modifly's solution enables airlines to sell ancillary inventory to travel agency customers through a self-servicing shop in the agency's branding.
No technical development needed
Easy and fast integration
Significant revenue upside

The Current Situation Leads Only To Frustrated Parties

Technical Hurdles Limit Airline Ancillary Sales

Lost Revenue

  • Ancillary take rates of indirect channels are significantly lower than in direct sales channels
  • Resulting in lost revenue

Costly Integration

  • A solution for indirect ancillary sales needs to be custom built
  • Requiring high upfront costs and subsequent maintenance efforts

Missing Automation

  • The indirect customers are piling up servicing hotlines
  • Requests are processed manually and individually

Technical Hurdles Limit Airline Ancillary Sales

The agency customer books a journey.
The agency sends out an advertising e-mail to promote ancillary services via Modifly.
The customer reaches the agency’s branded Modifly-shop and buys ancillaries which are then directly added to the PNR using existing GDS and Farelogix connections.

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